Sitka announced Friday they will be moving their headquarters from Napa, CA, to Bozeman, MT, and will be operating out of the new location by April 2012.

Nestled below the jagged peaks of the Rockies, Bozeman is an ideal venue for testing and developing gear, and is a popular destination for hunting and outdoor recreation. Its forward-thinking and outdoor-centric culture makes it a natural home for Sitka.

“At Sitka, we put tremendous value on our products, people and culture. We believe being in Bozeman will enable us to continue building our team of authentic hunters and outdoorsmen,” commented Kevin Sloan, Sitka Business Leader. “This move will also enable us to better test and develop game-changing gear, while thriving in Montana's creative, outdoor culture.”

Customers will not experience any interruptions in service or shipping, as Sitka will remain entirely functional in Napa, Calif., until the new office opens. Customers will be notified when the move is complete.