Sierra Designs is debuting its groundbreaking DriDown insulation technology in a new line of sleeping bags at the 2012 Outdoor Retailer Winter Market trade show in Salt Lake City.

A vast improvement over regular down, DriDown features a molecular level polymer applied to individual down plumes during the down finishing process.  A proprietary application method developed by Sierra Designs ensures a hydrophobic finish.  As a result, DriDown stays dry 7 times longer in the presence of rain, melting snow, or spills, maintains 98 percent loft after a night in a high humidity environment, and dries 33 percent faster when it does get wet for a dryer, warmer, more comfortable night’s sleep.

“Our inspiration for DriDown™ came from the need for higher performance down insulation,” said Sue Timbo, Sierra Designs marketing director.  “Due to its warmth to weight ratio, down is indisputably the best performing insulation available. Its only downside is a loss of thermal efficiency as it becomes wet. DriDown™ tolerates moisture far better than untreated down, improving the performance of down sleeping bags so everyone from pro athletes to family campers will sleep dryer, warmer, and more comfortably.”

Staying dry longer, lofting better, and drying faster, DriDown™ sleeping bags represent the evolution of down insulation technology, outperforming regular down sleeping bags in any given environment from arid deserts to humid costal locals to icy polar environments. Sierra Designs is introducing five new sleeping bag styles, covering a wide range of backcountry conditions.

Sierra Designs’ DriDown™ sleeping bags include the Zissou 0 HI (3 lb, 1 oz; $299), Zissou 15 (2 lb, 11 oz; $259), Zissou 30 LITE (2 lb, 1 oz; $199), Eleanor 20 HI women’s (3 lb, 0 oz; $299) and Eleanor 30 LITE women’s (2 lb, 9 oz; $259).  All five bags feature 600 fill DriDown™, polyester ripstop shells, and polyester liners for an outstanding blend of performance, warmth, compressibility, and light weight.

DriDown™ sleeping bag retail availability is scheduled for June 1 exclusively through REI stores and on, Sierra Designs’ first-to-market partner.  Sierra Designs DriDown™ sleeping bags will be available at other specialty outdoor retailers mid-July with DriDown™ apparel debuting in August 2012.

More information about DriDown™ technology and a first-hand look at this groundbreaking line of sleeping bag is available at the Sierra Designs booth #16017 during the Outdoor Retailer Winter Market trade show, scheduled for Jan. 19-22 in Salt Lake City.