The Executive Summary of the recently completed research study, The Model for Success, is now available for the snow sports industry. The Executive Summary is a 16-page synopsis of the four phases of the study released from SnowSports Industries America (SIA). The Model for Success was commissioned by SIA and conducted by Leisure Trends Group. This extensive research project dissects the current snow sports retail environment and makes recommendations on effective business practices.
This summary provides practical information that can be transformed into marketing opportunities and actions to drive the sales of downhill conveyances as well as other ski and snow equipment. The Executive Summary provides detailed action steps and tactics for suppliers, retailers and others inside the industry to implement in their marketing and public relations efforts.
This comprehensive study is a very effective marketing tool to help suppliers and retailers speak to their core customer. Feedback and buying behaviors are highlighted as provided straight from the customers mouth.
The study in its entirety was presented in September and October in five separate cities as part of the SIA 2006 Fall Workshop Series. Bill Nicoll of K2 Ski attended the Seattle, WA workshop and had this to stay about the study, “The Model for Success presented an opportunity where we as an industry get to hear one common message. Now we are all moving in the same direction, on the same path, with the same goals and objectives in mind.”
Jim Curran with Smugglers Notch echoed the sentiment after attending the Burlington, VT workshop stating, “It has been really interesting and the first presentation (Model for Success) had great practical information.”