Snowsports Industries America (SIA) has released its 2023/24 Participation Study, outlining insights into the changing demographics of winter sports participation, highlighting the diversity in snowboarding and cross-country skiing, particularly among Hispanic and Black athletes.

“Notable diversity patterns across winter sports participation highlights that among snowboarding participants, Hispanic women comprise 25 percent of all female snowboard participants, representing the highest proportion of female participants in any snowsport,” the trade association for winter sports in the U.S. said in its report summary.

“Similarly noteworthy is that Black male snowboarders make up 13 percent of male participants, which stands as the highest proportion of male participants across all winter sports disciplines,” continued SIA.

The SIA study also found significant Hispanic representation in cross-country skiing, with over “20 percent of all female participants identifying as Hispanic.”

SGB Media notes that improving diversity may also be tracked back to more professional athletes and influencers of color, including Zeb Powell (shown in the photos in this post), who is a professional snowboarder, Burton Team athlete (among others) and local winter sports hero from the Asheville, NC area, actively works to increase diversity in snowboarding.

Skateboarding was Powell’s entry into the sport.

Portions of the SIA’s Participation Deep Dive Study also analyzed numbers culled from its recently-released Participation Study before the winter season, which looked at alpine skiing, snowboarding, cross-country skiing, and sledding and reported a total of “30.26 million participants across all winter sports, with 17.97 million male and 12.29 million female participants.”

“This report represents important findings that the industry needs to take note of,” said SIA President Nick Sargent. “The diversity we’re seeing, especially in snowboarding and cross-country skiing, reflects the changing demographics of the U.S. as well as the efforts to make these sports more inclusive and accessible to all communities. But, most important to remember, it’s not just about numbers; it’s about creating a welcoming environment where everyone can experience the joy of winter sports.”  

Other notable insights in the 2024 SIA Study include:

  • Snowboard participants tend to skew younger for both male and female genders (the report does not include the Trans community), with a strong representation among younger females;
  • Female cross-country participants are more likely to participate later in life compared to males;
  • Alpine ski participants are more likely to be White (non-Hispanic) than participants in other snowsports; and
  • Sledding shows relatively balanced participation by both the male and female genders across age groups, with peak participation among those groups ages 12 and under.

The SIA Seport breaks down participation by age group and racial demographics for each winter sport, offering a detailed snapshot of winter sports engagement in the U.S. outdoor landscape.

“These data serve as a valuable resource for industry stakeholders, resort operators and policymakers looking to understand and cater to the changing face of winter sports enthusiasts,” SIA said in a media release for the report.

To see more Zeb Powell in action, go here.

Image courtesy Zeb Powell/Brian Nevins/Red Bull Content Pool/Burton