Sears, Roebuck and Co. comparable domestic store revenues decreased 1.8% for the four weeks ended May 1, 2004. Total domestic store revenues were $1.94 billion for the four-week period in April 2004, down 2.8% compared with the four weeks ended May 3, 2003.

“Our Home Group's positive sales momentum continued, as we recorded strong revenue increases in home appliances and consumer electronics in April,” said Sears Chairman and CEO Alan J. Lacy. “A number of factors contributed to unsatisfactory apparel sales during the month, including one fewer week of pre-Easter holiday sales in April 2004, versus the comparable month a year ago.”

Most off-the-mall formats posted comparable store sales growth in April, paced by Orchard Supply Hardware and The Great Indoors.

   Sears, Roebuck and Co.
   Domestic Store Revenues & Comparable Store Revenues
   (*According to National Retail Federation Fiscal Calendar.)
   (**A store is considered to be comparable at the beginning of the
      13th month after the store is opened.)

                        Fiscal Period Ending              Percent Change
                       May 1,           May 3,          All          Comp
                        2004             2003          Stores       Stores**
   April           $1,938,200,000   $1,994,000,000      -2.8%        -1.8%
   Year-to-Date*   $6,050,700,000   $6,144,700,000      -1.5%        -0.2%