Russell Athletic is pushing to recharge team sports in the U.S. after a company study found that team building is most important off the playing field. The national study conducted by Russell Athletic found that teams are not made in the game. Instead, according to coaches, teams are forged either in practice (50 percent) or off the field (47 percent), which should change the way we think about the importance of winning and losing.

In response, Russell Athletic will highlight the untold stories of how teams are formed and foundations for success are established with a national marketing campaign, “Team On,” and a #SettleYourScore content series.

Instead of celebrating champions, the series focuses on the 101 teams that lost the state championship by a touchdown or less.

Russell Athletic is partnering with six of these high school football teams from across the country to turn the one thing that haunts them from their state championship loss into motivation. High school football teams across the country will provide #SettleYourScore content that elaborates on what scares them the most.

“‘What haunts you?’ is a tough question to ask high school coaches,” said Matt Murphy, VP of marketing, Russell Athletic. “The eight seconds, one play or 99 yards that led to the loss hurts, but it could also become the perfect fuel for a new season. Their untold stories will resonate with any team that has a score to settle this season.”

Photo courtesy Russell Athletic