Another year, another rise in finishers over the marathon distance. The Running USA 2014 Marathon Report identified a record number of finishers – 550,637, up from 541,000 in 2013. There were also a record 1,200+ marathon events in 2014.
Gender split has remained consistent compared to previous years: 57 percent males (311,366 all-time high) and 43 percent females (239,271 all-time high) finishers. Of the finishers, 48 percent were 40 and older (264,305, also a new higher overall and percent).
2014 marked the slowest average finisher times since 2005 at 4:19:27 for males and 4:44:19 for females.
The following tables and lists represent a summary of the demographics, stats and trends for U.S. marathons and worldwide rankings. Per the tables below, U.S. marathon demographics – gender, age group, median age and median time – have remained essentially static in recent years.