Outdoor Research has converted the packaging used for its Stuff Sack line from a non-recyclable #5- Polypropylene Plastic to a paper product. The new packages use CCNB, or “Clay Coated News Back,” which is made from approximately 80% recycled content.
Outdoor Research is using soy-based inks on all new stuff sack packaging as well as 100% water-soluble adhesives. All of the new packaging for Stuff Sack products from Outdoor Research are 100% recyclable.
The new packaging designs reduce the surface area used by the former packaging by around 6% on average; total surface area reduction by the collection can range up to 111%. As a result, the new packaging will occupy less merchandise display space, offering retailers increased display options.
Corresponding with the launch of new packaging, Outdoor Research has implemented a new liter-based sizing system that is much easier to read and understand. Product photography of the product inside are clearly visible on the outside of the Stuff Sack packaging, while the structure of all new packaging continues to allow product to be removed for consumers to examine themselves.