In a joint business venture, two outdoor sales and marketing groups created Gen 3 Outdoors to expand representation into the Northeast territory of the U.S. market.

Ferguson-Keller, operating out of the Midwest, and Rogers Sports Marketing, operating out of the Southeast, created the new group to serve the fishing, hunting and firearms, marine and related outdoor sports categories.

Each founding sales group reportedly has three generations of outdoor sports sales representation and marketing experience, leading to Gen 3 Outdoor’s name. Although their track record is long, Ferguson-Keller and Rogers Sports Marketing owners Sean Kunzer and Trent Rogers said they have a “new vision of how to best serve both outdoor sports manufacturers and dealers in today’s challenging retail environment.”

Rogers commented, “We chose Gen 3 Outdoors to honor three generations of outdoor sports sales and marketing dating back to 1950. But, we also realize that there is a new generation of outdoor consumers whose purchasing patterns have changed. Even though members of the Outdoors Community respect our sporting traditions, to be successful at selling outdoor products today, you simply cannot do business the same way as in the past.”

Kunzer of Ferguson-Keller added, “Rather than resist all the changes occurring in today’s marketplace, we choose to embrace them–and we’ve adapted to them. The staff at Gen 3 Outdoors has a vast knowledge of the digital world and of how to leverage it to help our business partners. At the same time, we understand that, as always, there is no substitute for hard work and for having feet on–and ears to–the ground.”

Gen 3 Outdoors now operates with four reps in 12 Northeastern states, including Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington D.C.

Joining managing partners Kunzer and Rogers in their vision for Gen 3 Outdoors are management team members including Allen Pace, Fall Lines Manager; Scott Dubiel, Spring Lines Manager; and Chris Shoplockm Northeast Territory Manager.

There are also four territory reps, including Chris Shoplock (Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, and New York); Justin Blouin (Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Northern upstate New York, Eastern Rhode Island, and Vermont); Scott Neuschwender (Connecticut, Southern upstate New York, including Eastern Long Island, and Western Rhode Island); and Tim Pisarski (Pennsylvania).

Image courtesy Gen 3 Outdoor