Osprey Packs has retained Outdoor Prolink to run its pro deal business.
Outdoor Prolink is a source for outdoor professionals to access top quality outdoor gear and apparel at discounted pro pricing, simply because they influence the buying habits of outdoor enthusiasts. Currently Outdoor Prolink offers 86 brands to 54,000+ vetted pros on their site www.outdoorprolink.com, along with running La Sportiva’s dedicated pro site, Sportiva.com/pro.
Outdoor Prolink is now running Osprey Pack’s dedicated pro site pro.ospreypacks.com, and offering Osprey products on www.outdoorprolink.com. Outdoor Prolink’s platform allows multiple storefronts to operate using the same database.This allows brands to customize their own pro site and offer their products on Outdoor Prolink's primary website of 86 brands, all while sharing the same product and pro database.
“With Outdoor Prolink’s membership, Osprey will be exposed to a much larger group of individually approved and authenticated outdoor professionals, and eventually, enthusiasts,” said Osprey's Blair Volpe.
Osprey is leveraging Outdoor Prolink’s membership services to verify all current and future Osprey Pros. The membership team evaluates every application by-hand and sets an industry standard for pro approval. Only legitimate working outdoor professionals that provide proof of current employment are granted membership. Outdoor Prolink’s staff will also be handling all the customer service for Osprey’s new pro site.
“Next to Osprey Packs, Outdoor Prolink has the friendliest most knowledgeable staff in the industry,” said Osprey's Bill Chandler.
Osprey is also utilizing Outdoor Prolink’s technology team in order to create a customized approach to order processing including a fully automated EDI solution and UPS integration.
Osprey is participating in Outdoor Prolink’s new ProView gear review program on Outdoor Prolink’s blog Dirtbag Dreams www.dirtbagdreams.com. The ProView program shares quality gear reviews by outdoor professionals, for outdoor professionals. The ProView program is just one of Outdoor Prolink’s multiple marketing tools that Osprey is utilizing to drive sales.
For inquires about working with Outdoor Prolink to power your pro site and offer your product to 54,000+ vetted pros, please contact Gareth Richards at Gareth@outdoorprolink.com.