This past Saturday, May 12, marked the finale of OluKai's 4th Annual Ho'olaule'a SUP Race, which was held on Maui, Hawai'i, celebrating the ocean lifestyle with competitive water races, musical guests, and festivities for all ages. This year, over 300 paddlers and hundreds of spectators, friends and family members gathered to watch the legendary Maliko downwind run on Maui's North shore, an eight-mile stretch from Maliko Gulch to Kanaha Beach Park. Conditions were good with clear skies, 15 to 20 knot trade winds and some long surf runs creating close competition for both men's and women's.
Top Finishers:
Men's Elite SUP
1st Place: Connor Baxter- 47:28
2nd Place: Travis Grant- 48:28
3rd Place: Danny Ching- 48:39
Women's Elite SUP
1st Place: Andrea Moller- 56:45
2nd Place: Talia Gangini- 58:06
3rd Place: Devin Blish- 58:31
For complete results click here:
OluKai's Ho'olaule'a also included a 'Ohana Fun Paddle,' three-mile non-competitive, non-timed paddle for ocean enthusiasts of all ages and all skill levels. Over 100 participants of all ages participated this year with all types of watercrafts.

Paddlers, families and other visitors shared the camaraderie, gorgeous weather, Hawaiian games, hula performance, luau and music by Rampage and Ekolu Kalama. Guests enjoyed traditional Hawaiian games hosted by Maui Cultural Lands, sailing canoe rides on the HSCA champion vessel Kamakakoa, and Lae 'Ula O Kai canoe club's traditional luau with imu.
Part of the proceeds from the OluKai Ho'olaule'a go to the OluKai 'Ohana Giveback Program. Beneficiaries include the Hawaiian Lifeguard Association/Junior Lifeguard Program, Maui Cultural Lands and Team Kamakakoa, champions of the Hawaiian Sailing Canoe Association.