Outdoor Industry Foundation is calling on all outdoor retailers and manufacturers to participate in The Great American Backyard Campout scheduled for June 23, 2007 in communities around the country.

The Campout is a national celebration designed to introduce and remind people about the joys of camping. On this day, tens of thousands of Americans will gather in their backyards or local camping areas to share the thrill of sleeping under the stars with their family and friends. OIF is proud to partner with National Wildlife Federation (NWF) to bring this program to the outdoor community.

Outdoor Retailers can participate by encouraging their customers to participate in The Campout and by signing up to be a Campout Retail Partner. Using the complimentary OIF Campout Promotional Pack complete with customizable Campout posters, bag stuffers, press materials, Campout imagery, promotional ideas and how-to guides, Campout Retail Partners can easily be part of the national celebration and bring lapsed and new campers into their store. To sign-up for the Retail Partner program and to order a Campout Promo Pack call OIF at 303.327.3512 or email Foundation@outdoorindustry.org.

“OIF has taken great care to develop tools for retailers that make promotion of The Campout as seamless and turn-key as possible,” said OIF Vice President Michelle Barnes. “We encourage businesses to sign-up quickly because our supplies are limited, and the Campout Promo Packs haven proven incredibly popular.”

In addition to the Promo Packs, all Campout Retail Partners will be listed on the official Campout website – www.BackyardCampout.org. Last year more than 40,000 people in every state registered their campsites through this site and this year we expect more than 150,000. A searchable database will provide online registrants with the opportunity to find Retail Partners in their area.

Outdoor Manufacturers are invited to request a Campout Promotional Pack in order to recruit retailers and to encourage staff participation. OIF and NWF are also offering a Supporting Manufacturer Program for businesses that want to make a donation to support The Campout. More information on this program can be found at www.outdoorindustryfoundation.org/campout.

“This event provides an opportunity for every business in the outdoor community to promote an active outdoor lifestyle and introduce new participants to outdoor recreation through a gateway activity” said Barnes.