Outdoor Industry Association (OIA) and PeopleForBikes (PFB) have announced a partnership through which PFB members — bicycle manufacturers and retailers — will be able to join the OIA Climate Action Corps, a collaborative model to achieve industry-wide greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions in accordance with Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) guidelines.
Launched in January 2020, the OIA Climate Action Corps supports brands, retailers, manufacturers, and suppliers to measure their greenhouse gas emissions, set reduction targets, develop company-specific reduction plans, and share their progress annually. More than 75 outdoor companies have joined since its launch and use the Climate Action Corps Guidebook as well as training and gatherings offered to its online community.
“Outdoor companies rely on healthy outdoor places and healthy people outdoors,” said Amy Horton, OIA’s Senior Director of Sustainable Business Innovation. “The Corps has a strong first-do-no-harm ethos. Members are taking responsibility for the gear they make to ensure it is sourced, manufactured and delivered to consumers in ways that don’t jeopardize the health of our climate, our outdoor treasures or the people who buy, sell, or make the products. They are also committing to advocating for climate policy. We are excited to have PeopleForBikes as our first industry trade partner, not only because of the potential to grow the Corps’ carbon reduction impact but also to grow its advocacy muscle.”
Through this agreement, PeopleForBikes member companies will be able to join the Corps and access its resources — including the Climate Action Corps Guidebook — and other community learning opportunities. Members also have the option of participating in Climate Action Corps Impact CoLab projects.
“Climate is so important to the health of the bike industry,” said JJ Trout, PFB’s Chief of Staff. “Natural disasters pose a threat to supply chains, directly impacting folks who want to ride bikes. PeopleForBikes supporters are advocating for the environment. Today’s consumer cares about the planet and wants to align with companies who are listening to their concerns and taking action.” said JJ, ‘The industry needs a clean planet with safe, fun and healthy places to continue riding.”More information about the Climate Action Corps can be found here.Illustration courtesy Luba Lukova/NRDC