Pat Keeney, owner of Keeney's Sporting Goods in Elgin, IL, has passed away. She died Monday night of complications related to cancer, according to the Chicago Sun-Times.  

Her family has operated a store n Elgin since 1883, first as general store, then a drug store and finally a sporting goods store.. The store has been at its present location since 1945 and is known s the place for students to get their team uniforms.

But Ms. Keeney's battle with plasma cancer drew the attention of Chicago television stations as well as the Los Angeles Times, the Washington Post. Keeney, 62, she gave up her health insurance policy three years ago in order to save money in the downturn. She was said to dealt with pain for awhile before friends convinced her in October to see a doctor. The Elgin community also rallied around the local legendary merchant's plight.

News of Keeney's death spread across the social network Facebook Monday night, according to the Chicago Sun-Times.

“Lost another dear friend to illness today, may her beautiful heart and soul find peace and comfort now, away from all the medical business,” a friend Laurie Faith Gibson-Aiello wrote.