Sunday night Jeff Simonoff, the founding member of the Eastern Outdoor Reps Association (EORA) passed away. This has come as a shock to everyone as Jeff’s health had improved recently. Jeff is survived by his wife Sue and two children, Lawrence and Victoria.  

“We are all touched and saddened with the passing of Jeff.  Some people you think will be in your life forever and Jeff was that person for me.  EORA will be posting a  memorial and tribute to Jeff on the EORA website within the next day or so, we have received a number of wonderful Jeff stories and hopefully more will come,” said Debbie Motz, executive director of EORA. “I will miss Jeff’s phone calls in his gravely voice, always concerned about the direction of the association and provided advice. I am so thankful he made the trip to Hartford to visit with everyone.”

The funeral will be held at Willowbrook Cemetery in Westport, CT on Thursday, September 24th, 2009 at 11:00 AM

In lieu of flowers, readers may honor Jeff's memory by making a donation to any of the 4 organizations listed below.

     Jewish National Fund –
     Weston (CT) Volunteer Fire Department –
     North Shore Animal League –
     National Kidney Foundation –