The National Shooting Sports Foundation will award for the fourth consecutive year a $100,000 grant to Boy Scouts of America in support of sport shooting opportunities at councils nationwide, according to a release by the organization.

The funding allows the BSA Shooting Sports Grant program to provide assistance to Scout councils that have shooting programs or want to develop one. Learning about firearm safety and marksmanship has been part of Scouting for decades, and increasingly it's an activity that no longer ends when summer camp is over. Many local Scout groups now offer year-round target shooting programs thanks in part to funding from the BSA Shooting Sports Grant initiative.

“This is a tremendous initiative that reaches the grassroots level of Scouting and that will make a positive impact on more than 100 councils by the end of this year,” said Frank Reigelman, BSA's director of outdoor programs. “The ongoing support of NSSF has helped keep the future of the shooting sports bright in the Boy Scouts of America.”

Added Zach Snow, NSSF's manager of shooting promotions. “NSSF is proud of its long history of supporting shooting sports participation among youth in partnership with the Boy Scouts of America. Target shooting is a fun, safe activity that Scouts can enjoy with their friends and family for a lifetime.”