Using indices developed from the National Sporting Goods Associations Sporting Goods Market report, residents in the West North Central (WNC) census region spent the most per consumer on sports equipment in 2007. With an index of 143, the WNC region (IA, KS, MN, MO, NE, ND & SD) outranked the Pacific (WA, OR, CA) and Mountain states (AZ, CO, ID, MT NV, NM, UT & WY), both with indices of 113.
The WNC region has had the highest index three of the last four years, ceding that honor to the Mountain states in 2006. The Mountain states have had or tied for the second position the other three years.
Both regions have high percentages of consumers who hunt, fish and camp-all of which are major categories in consumer purchases of sports equipment.
Regional indices are calculated by dividing the proportion of consumer purchases of sports equipment by the proportion of the total
At the other end of the scale, the East North Central states (IL, IN, MI, OH & WI) and the
The data used in this analysis is included in the NSGA report “The Sporting Goods Market in 2008.” Based on a consumer study of 100,000