The National Sporting Goods Association said this year's team Dealer Summit track will include four specific sessions aimed at
helping team dealers succeed in their business throughout the years
Its upcoming 47th Annual Management Conference & Team Dealer Summit, will be held May 1-4, 2011 at the Loews Ventana Canyon in Tucson, AZ.
This year's The four sessions include:
Monday, May 2
- The Team Business – the Next 5 Years will be a panel moderated by Jeff Brusati, President of T&B Sports. Panelists will include Don Bates, President of Allen Sports Center, Matt Murphy, Senior Vice President of Sales for Russell Athletic, and Robert Parish, President and General Manager of Rawlings Sporting Goods Company.
- Unlocking Explosive Growth is a session led by Tom Searcy, Founder and CEO of Hunt Big Sales. The session will discuss how to double your success rate on closing your biggest deals, five best practices of explosive growth companies, and the six mistakes you're making right now.
- Using Technology to Increase Profits will be a session moderated by Pete Schneider, Athletic Dealers LLC. Panelists will include Kent McKeaigg, President and CEO of, and Ryan Wenkus, a Sales Representative at Metro Athletic Supply. The session will discuss how Metro Athletic is utilizing technology to effectively and efficiently manage its team dealer business, and will focus on tablet technology and the Apple iPad in particular. A representative from Apple will be in the session with iPads for attendees to try.
- How Rule Changes Can Impact the Team Business is a panel moderated by James Hartford, President & CEO of The SportsOneSource Group, and includes panelists Jim Fallis, NCAA Oversight Committee member and Athletic Director at Northern Arizona University, Jim Tenopir, COO of the National Federation of State High School Associations, Marty Hickman, Executive Director of the Illinois High School Association, and Tom Cove, President & CEO of the Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association.
In addition, there will be numerous combined sessions where team dealers will have the chance to hear from other industry executives and speakers from outside the industry with important information for all sporting goods industry executives.
To learn more about the event, or to register, please visit
The Early Bird Registration deadline is March 8.