In 2007, the Re-Cyclery Bicycle Thrift Shop in San Rafael, Calif. earned more than $325,000 for Trips for Kids, paying for 57 percent of the organization's overall operating expenses, the non-profit said.
“We applaud the participating companies' commitment to greener business practices,” said Marilyn Price, TFK founder and director. “By donating their over-stocked, out-of-date, slightly used or blemished goods to the Re-Cyclery, they are reducing waste and providing a wonderful community service.”
In 2007, this green business earned more than $325,000 paying for 57 percent of the organization's overall operating expenses. For a list of contributing companies and shops visit
“I learned that it is hard making it to the top, but I learned not to give up, too” said fourteen-year-old Beatriz after a TFK ride. “My Trips for Kids adventure was awesome. I had so much more fun than I normally do.”
Along with the service opportunities companies are given by donating to TFK, they are also instilling in low-income kids an excitement for mountain biking. TFK's outreach to minority youth helps the cycling industry keep pace with the changing demographics of cycling.
Manufacturers, distributors and shops wishing to clear out unwanted stock, receive a tax deduction, help the environment and help the kids, can email Marilyn at or call (415) 458-2986.
The Trips for Kids Re-Cyclery Bike Thrift Shop is located at 610 Fourth Street, San Rafael, Calif. The shop is open every Tuesday through Friday, 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. For more information about Trips for Kids go to