Nikwax N.A. has welcomed the Adrenaline Sports Marketing team to its sales force in the Southeast, where it thinks the agency can grow sales as consumers look for ways to get more out of their existing footwear, apparel, tents and other outdoor gear.
Adrenaline, will call on existing accounts and open new ones. The firm has has been involved with outdoor products for 20 years.
Well never deviate from providing a great product with high sell-through, said Chas Fisher, president of Nikwax N.A. But at the end of the day, we also believe that the people you work with in business matter. As a rule, we choose to work with sales reps who are friendly, love the outdoors, and love what they do. Our sales team is an extension of Nikwax, and they bring that same blend of fun and professionalism directly to our dealer partners. This is why Adrenaline is such a great fit with the Nikwax team.
Were honored and excited to join Nikwax as their sales and service representation in the Southeast, added Kev Martin, a principle at Adrenaline. Our core values align with the excellence and environmental commitment of the brand, and well continue driving this message into the market.