Same-store rounds played in the U.S. decreased slightly (-0.3%) in July 2005 vs. July 2004, based on data from operators at 1,819 golf facilities. That leaves the year-to-date number 0.9% behind the 2004 pace. Best performing regions in July were the South Central (up 4.1%) and Northeast (up 3.4%). The worst performing region was the Upper Midwest (down 3.6%).

The best performing region year-to-date through July was the Gulf Coast (up 3.9%) – but that is sure to change given the destructive path of Hurricane Katrina. The worst performing region year-to-date was the Southwest (down 5.8%), which had monsoon-like rains earlier in the year

Rounds Played, 2005 vs. 2004
Source: NGF/Allied Golf Associations
  July    Year-To-Date
Total U.S. facilities -0.30% -0.90%
Private Clubs 0.20% -2.00%
Total Public Courses -0.50% -0.70%
Public Courses:    
  Premium 2.20% -0.70%
  Standard 0.20% -0.20%
  Value -1.00% -0.80%
Northeast 3.40% 0.70%
Mid-Atlantic 0.90% -1.30%
Southeast -1.60% -1.70%
Central/South Florida -2.00% -2.10%
Gulf Coast -1.20% 3.90%
South Central 4.10% 1.00%
Lower Midwest -0.80% 0.40%
Upper Midwest -3.60% -1.10%
Mountain -0.10% 0.10%
Southwest -2.20% -5.80%
Northwest 0.70% -1.40%

Public facilities fall into one of three categories based on peak season weekend green fees with cart:
Premium (High) – Above $70
Standard (Middle) – $40-$70
Value (Low) – Below $40