The quarter-sized Voke Tab is a chewable, candy-like tab made from a basic combination of organic guarana berry, organic acerola cherry and natural green tea leaf.

One Voke Tab is equal to 77mg of caffeine, or one strong cup of tea, “minus the jitters,” according to Voke. Instead of spiking energy, Voke offers a few hours of smooth, natural energy.  Each tin contains seven tabs.

There are no artificial colors, sweeteners or flavors. Voke Tab’s pink shade comes from beet coloring, while the fruity smell is a combination of organic cherry and guarana. Tabs are sweetened with rebiana – the primary source of sweetness in the Truvia sweetener brand – and monk fruit, named after Buddhist monks who first cultivated it nearly 800 years ago, according to

Voke was created for daily use, either at work, on a ski lift, after lunch, first thing in the morning or late into the night. From mothers to firefighters to professional athletes, Voke ambassadors include Margaret Vap, the yoga entrepreneur and eco-conscious mountain cowgirl; and Conrad Anker, American rock climber, mountaineer and writer. Anker is also team leader of The North Face climbing team.

The Tab tin fits in the palm of your hand. The goal of incorporating Voke into daily life is in part to “reduce the excess.” By replacing one coffee or energy drink per day with a Voke Tab, you could save an average of $81 a month. The Voke switch also potentially eliminates 150 grams of fat (3.96 lb p/year), 810 grams of sugar (21.42 lb p/year), and 6,000 calories (72,000 p/year) from monthly intake.


Kalen Caughey, Creator of Voke

Kalen Caughey, creator of Voke Tab, started mixing energy tabs in a dorm room almost a decade ago. As a competitive skier who enjoyed the effects of coffee, he was looking to make a spill-proof alternative to bring on the mountain. Caughey’s biochemist father helped to research an ideal combination of natural ingredients that would provide a balanced boost without sugar or artificial sweeteners. They employed all available scientific literature on ingredients that improve memory, focus, metabolism and physical stamina to create the combination Voke uses today.