Mountain Hardwear raised $5,140 for The Conservation Alliance at its Fall 2007 warehouse sale. The company gave a 10% discount and a t-shirt to any customer that made a $20 donation to The Conservation Alliance. The contribution will help the organization in its ongoing efforts to protect wild places where outdoor customers recreate.

The November event was the fourth time Mountain Hardwear has integrated a fundraising promotion into the sale. In total, the three events have raised more than $15,000 for The Conservation Alliance.

“Once again, Mountain Hardwear has found a creative way to support our efforts,” said John Sterling, Executive Director of the Alliance. “By including The Conservation Alliance in the company’s Factory Sale, Mountain Hardwear has not only raised much-needed funds, but also provided valuable visibility for our efforts to protect North America’s last wild places.”

James Bottoms, Mountain Hardwear’s Director of Operations, conceived the fundraising idea in 2006, and colleague Taylor Shoop developed the t-shirt concept.

“We are excited to support The Conservation Alliance through our Factory Sale,” said Bottoms. “It reminds us and our customers that there is more to our business than product.”