Mammut Sports Group CEO Rolf G. Schmid is resigning after 16 years of leading the Swiss maker of outdoor gear to pursue a career in consulting.
Mammut said Schmid will step down from his position as CEO and from the executive committee of its parent company, Conzzeta Group. He will provide support during the transition and then continue to serve Conzzeta in a consultative capacity.
Schmid joined the Conzzeta Group 20 years ago as Head of the sports division of what was then Arova Mammut AG. He took over as CEO of today’s Mammut Sports Group in 2000. After guiding Mammut during an intensive period of development and expansion, Schmid is planning to offer his services as a freelance consultant in the areas of business management and strategic marketing and will also take up appointments to boards of directors.
“The Board of Directors of Conzzeta AG would like to thank Rolf G. Schmid for his many years of service and successful contribution to the development of Mammut Sports Group, helping to turn it from a niche market player to a world leader in the mountain sports sector,,” the company said in a statement released Wednesday. “The search for a suitable successor has already begun; the result will be announced at a later date. Rolf G. Schmid will continue to carry out his function as CEO in collaboration with the management team until a successor is appointed.”
Ernst Bärtschi, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Conzzeta AG: “Rolf G. Schmid has helped establish Mammut as a strong and successful brand. He has been behind spectacular marketing campaigns that have had a great impact in the industry and beyond. We are grateful that Rolf G. Schmid will stand by Mammut Sport Group during the transition and that he will continue to support the implementation of the agreed strategy in an advisory role. We wish him every success in his future career.”