Lucy Activewear, a division of VF Corp., will celebrate its 10th year in business this month.To honor the anniversary, the brand is launching a contest inviting
customers to share their inspiration. Customers can enter on the lucy
Facebook wall at and/or via e-mail at The top entry in the video category wins a $500
shopping spree and the leading essay entry wins $250 to spend at lucy.
Lucy stores will also be celebrating this month. On November 6th, all 65
locations will host a birthday-themed Fitness Friday event with free in-store classes and giveaways.
Last month, lucy opened its newest location outside of Boston, bringing the store count to 65 retail stores across the U.S.
Michelle Lantow, President of lucy activewear, is in her ninth year with lucy. “I've watched lucy grow from a small startup to a respected national women`s activewear brand. I`m extremely proud to celebrate lucy`s tenth birthday, and I invite our customers to join us by sharing their inspiration!”