Pack & Paddle in Lafayette, LA has become the newest retailer to join the Grassroots Outdoor Alliance.
Pack & Paddle was founded in 1974 by the Williams family and is still owned within the family today with John and Becky Williams as principals and buyers. Pack & Paddle specializes in outdoor gear, clothing and accessories with an emphasis on flatwater kayaking, kayak fishing and backpacking.
Trips & events are a big part of what they do to introduce the core lifestyle to their “non-traditional” area. Trips include day paddling trips to the Atchafalaya Basin, kayak fishing trips to the coast, hiking trips to area parks & more. In store events include instructional seminars, where-to-go seminars, special speakers & slideshows, enviornmental & adventure films along with local adventure nights.
The Grassroots Outdoor Alliance represents more than 30 outdoor specialty retailers with mroe than 70 doors. The alliance offers discounts from certain vendor partners in exchange for ensuring its members adhere to certain credit standards, including prompt payment of vendors.