M4D3 (Make A Difference Everyday), a new social purpose footwear company whose collections raise funds and help promote social change, announced their collaboration with Little League World Series sensation, Mo'ne Davis. The Mo'ne Davis sneaker collection “will reflect her unique talent, sense of style and love of sports,” while giving back through the support of Plan International USA's Because I am a Girl initiative.
Last summer, 13-year-old Davis became the first girl in history to win a game at the Little League World Series. With her 70 mph fastball, commanding presence and laser focus, Davis captured the hearts and imagination of the entire world. She is the youngest athlete to ever appear on the cover of Sports Illustrated and was named SI's “Sportskid of the Year.”
“I never thought at the age of 13 I'd be a role model, but having young girls look up to me is pretty cool. If I can inspire them to reach their goals, that would be even cooler,” says Davis. “Designing shoes with M4D3 is exciting, and to know they'll help girls in need around the world is a great feeling!”
“'I throw like a girl' became synonymous with girl empowerment, because of Mo'ne's exceptional skill and her unflappable focus,” says M4D3 ambassador, Lisa Zbitnew. “So partnering with her is such a natural fit for M4D3! We are creating a shoe that we know Mo'ne fans will love and be proud of, and that will Make A Difference Everyday. Together with Mo'ne, we are designing a shoe that represents who she is; contemporary, spirited and athletic, but at the same time being very caring towards other girls and young women that are vulnerable around the world,” adds Zbitnew.
Davis, a native of Philadelphia, was spotted at the age of seven as a talented athlete, and in addition to her baseball skills, has set playing college basketball and joining the WNBA as a goal. She has also captured the attention of the entertainment world with a guest appearance on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, and accolades from Queen Latifah, Ellen DeGeneres and Rachel Maddow, who described her as “the best new thing in the world.” Davis has also received recognition from The First Lady, Michelle Obama, congratulating her for “knock[ing] it out of the park for girls everywhere.”
About Because I am a Girl
Because I am a Girl is a global effort to directly improve the lives of four million girls, impact more than 40 million girls and boys through gender-aware and gender-transformative programs, and make quantifiable policy changes for 400 million girls. Because I am a Girl creates transformative and sustainable change by focusing on projects that specifically address the needs of the most marginalized and vulnerable girls in developing countries around the world. To learn more, please visit www.BecauseiamaGirl.us.
About M4D3
Headquartered in New York, M4D3 products use the collective power of the community to create positive change in the world, directly supporting partner aid agencies and foundations, including Plan International USA. M4D3 footwear is manufactured by a global leader who produces over 55 million pairs of shoes annually for many well known international brands. M4D3 is a member of the Clinton Global Initiative, established by President Bill Clinton to create and implement innovative solutions to the world's most pressing challenges. To learn more about M4D3 visit: www.made-shoes.com.