Kokatat said it has provided paddling apparel to 23-year-old Mathieu Jean for an expedition that will circumnavigate the provinces of Quebec and Labrador, a distance of 10,000 kilometres. Jean is attempting to mark the first recorded circumnavigation of these Canadian provinces and conquer what he calls his personal Everest.

Jean, a Level 3 sea kayaker with the FQCK (La Fédération Québécoise du Canot et du Kayak), will depart in the beginning of April and, due to arctic weather and freezing waters during the winter months, will cover the circumnavigation over a two year period. He is hoping to paddle 6,000km in the first seven months depending on weather conditions. The second leg of the expedition will commence in 2011.

“Many people have a childhood dream of climbing Everest. My childhood dream was to do something extraordinary around my province,” Jean said. “This will be my first long solo expedition and when I return I want to do presentations for school kids and the public to demonstrate that you can conquer your personal Everest,” said Mathieu.

Kokatat will provide Jean with the following apparel:

  • GORE-TEX® Expedition Dry Suit
  • ProFIT Tour Life Jacket
  • Nomad booties

For more information about the expedition and to follow Mathieu Jean’s blog during the expedition, please visit: http://circumquebec2010.webs.com/.