Kids Foot Locker has opened its first House of Play community store in Miami, FL, serving local communities with a family experience rooted in play. More stores are planned for 2022.

The 8,000-plus square foot store offers interactive playscapes, activity areas and the latest Kids Foot Locker styles. Shopping areas are by age groups, including toddler & baby, little kids and kids.  

 Each shopping area is an activity space tailored to each age group for interactive play. The middle of the store offers a communal activity area for kids to play and engage, which is modular in design to allow in-store events and community-focused programs. The toddler & baby, little kids and kids areas contain age-appropriate activity spaces like padded climbing structures or study tables and stools. 

 The store offers Nike, Jordan, New Balance, Crocs, Timberland, and more, including footwear, apparel, and accessories.

 Next year Kids Foot Locker will roll out more locations, including a January opening in Dallas, TX. 

Photo courtesy Kids Foot Locker