Johnson Health Tech, Inc., manufacturer of Matrix Fitness, Vision Fitness, Horizon Fitness and Livestrong Fitness equipment, reported third-quarter revenues grew 23 percent, with North American sales ahead 8 percent.

“Through our commitment to innovation and quality, as well as our world-class marketing and customer service, we’re able to see continued domestic growth,” said Nathan Pyles, president of Johnson Health Tech North America (JHTNA).

The combination of retail and commercial sales are up 19 percent YTD in North America, providing tremendous momentum going into Q4. In the commercial segment, JHTNA showed an increase in sales year-to-date by 27 percent over prior year.

Pyles equates much of JHT’s ongoing commercial growth to strong sales of award-winning and innovative products in the Matrix Fitness line.

In the retail segment, JHTNA continues to see increased sales revenue of 14 percent YTD in North America, which Pyles accredited to multiple new products that have been launched in the sporting goods and mass merchant channels this year.