Running USA announced its newly elected Board of Directors, who will begin their service to the non-profit organization next month.
Running USA members approved the election of a slate of seven board members to three-year director terms which will begin July 1, 2019 and conclude June 30, 2022. Three of those elected are incumbents returning to the board, which provides leadership and oversight to the organization on a year-round basis.
The new board members are:
- Tanner Bell, Co-Founder and President of Ragnar Relay in Salt Lake City, UT
- Tim Cole, VP of Events of Mascot Sports in Oakland, CA
- Stevie Jones, Event Marketing Manager for Brooks Running in Seattle, WA
- Troy Schooley, CEO of P3R Events in Pittsburgh, PA
Continuing their service to the board for an additional three years as a result of the newly elected slate are:
- Virginia Brophy Achman, Executive Director of Twin Cities in Motion in Minneapolis, MN
- Lonnie Somers, President and Co-Founder of HAL Sports in Denver, CO
Jeff Matlow, CEO of imATHLETE in Santa Monica, Calif. (Matlow previously served as board secretary in an appointed, non-voting position)
“We are pleased to welcome our new directors and look forward to putting them to work for the organization,” said Running USA board president Iris Simpson Bush. “Running USA benefits greatly from the service of its all-volunteer board and their varied expertise in the running industry.”
The next Running USA Board of Directors meeting is set for July 24-25 in Las Vegas.
Running USA is a tax-exempt, not-for-profit organization devoted to improving the status and experience of distance running and racing in the United States through collective marketing and promotions, information and communications within the industry and to the national media, services to events and industry members, and the development of American world class stars.