Imperial Headwear, the leading headwear brand for private and resort golf facilities as reported by the Association of Golf Merchandisers (AGM) in their Member Survey the last four consecutive years, announced the addition of seven new sales representatives for its Action Sports division, a new venture for Imperial Headwear.

The Action Sports sales team will be spearheaded by Blair Wheeler, Imperial sales manager of Action Sports. With experiences across outdoor, winter and action sports, as well as lifestyle brands, the well-rounded Action Sports sales team will represent Imperial across the United States.

“We’re excited to have a great team assembled across the country to help us bring Imperial Action Sports to market,” said Wheeler. “The team has over 70 years of combined experience and even a few former pro surfers in the bunch. We’re stoked on what’s to come and look forward to introducing Imperial to new partners and retailers”

The Imperial Action Sports Sales Team includes:

Wes Van De Vort / San Diego

Van De Vot is a long time industry veteran as a sales representative, owner of Bowery Barber and co-owner of Van De Vort with his wife, Andrea. A staple in San Diego, We’re excited for Wes to bring his brand-building skills to the table to help grow Imperial Headwear in San Diego.

Jay Larson / Orange County, Los Angeles, and Nevada

When the former Pro Surfer and current RVCA sales representative not slinging hats and trunks to stores in Orange County and Los Angeles, you can find him surfing somewhere between River Jetties and Northside of the HB Pier.

Steve Denham / Northern California

Steve has been a sales representative in Action Sports for 20 years and won the U.S. Amateur Championships in 1990. Steve still loves surfing and is a staple in Central California.

Craig Frick / Florida and Alabama

Craig has worked 16 years in the surf, action sport and boutique industries, servicing the entire state of Florida and Alabama for multiple brands including: Lost Industries, Dragon Alliance, and Imperial Headwear, among others.

Zach Hauser / Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia & Tennessee

A Wilmington, N.C., native and 8-year action sports industry sales representative,, Zach has led brands like ROARK and HyperFlex Wetsuits in North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee and Georgia.

Dan Sorcinelli / Oregon, Washington, Montana and Alaska

Daniel Sorcinelli and Order of the Wing, LLC are a Portland, Ore. based sales and service group covering Washington, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Alaska specializing in outdoor, winter, boutique and retailer activations.

Aubrey Dilatush / Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine

Born and raised on the Jersey Shore, Aubrey has been an independent representative for more than 10 years. In 2014, he founded Six Pack Sales, a boutique sales and marketing agency that specializes in action sports and lifestyle crossover brands. Together with his team, Aubrey services Maryland to Maine.