Just a week after launching the Public Lands Initiative, the International Mountain Biking Association (IMBA) said that the bicycle industry has pledged $587,000 for the project.
The initiative got off to a strong at the Bicycle Leadership Conference last week when Trek Bicycle CEO John Burke, Specialized Bicycle CEO Mike Sinyard and Bikes Belong’s Tim Blumenthal pledged $300,000. Since then the 37 additional companies have stepped up and pledged donations.
“This is going to make a big difference for mountain bikers,” said Mike Van Abel, IMBA’s executive director. “The Public Lands Initiative will bring new resources to our advocates that they sorely need. It will enable IMBA to offer things like professional training sessions, stronger legal resources and enhanced communications tools. The challenges are daunting. Yet we are focused on the opportunities before us: the conservation and stewardship of our public lands, and reconnecting kids and their families with nature through a healthy, low-impact activity.”
IMBA’s Public Lands Initiative offers new resources to promote a bicycle-friendly approach toward public lands protection. The Public Lands Initiative targets critical campaigns where public lands policies, legislation or resource extraction could close important trails to bicycles. The program will bolster advocate trainings, communications tools and other resources. Interested individuals and companies can join in support of the Public Lands Initiative online.
>>> Companies interested in learning more about the Public Lands Initiative, IMBA Membership or IMBA’s work, please contact Rich Cook, development director, by phone (303-545-9011 ext. 104) or email to: rich.cook@imba.com