ICON Health & Fitness, in cooperation with the CPSC, recalled About 16,700 of its Epic T60 Treadmills. According to the company, If assembly instructions are not properly followed the gas spring/shock can be damaged during assembly if the walking platform is folded up and goes beyond the vertical position. This action can cause the shock to contact the treadmill roller and be damaged and could propel shock parts out. The parts of the shock could hit a by-stander causing injury.
ICON has received two reports of minor foot injuries and five reports of minor property damage. The treadmills were manufactured in the U.S. and sold at Costco Wholesale stores nationwide between September 2004 and February 2005 for between $899 and $999.
Consumers should contact ICON Health & Fitness for information on how to determine whether their treadmills have been damaged and to obtain revised assembly instructions and warning decals. Damaged units will be inspected and repaired by ICON service technicians free of charge.