Icebreaker named Benoit Gazagnes as its country manager for France and Spain.

In this newly created position, Gazagnes is responsible for strategically developing and implementing Icebreakers wholesale business strategy in France and Spain, and also integrating Icebreaker´s global efforts around retail and e-commerce. He will be based at Icebreakers newly expanded office in Annecy, France.

Benoit brings more that 20 years of brand management in Europe to Icebreaker, said Max Hofbauer, general manager-Europe of Icebreaker. From general to specialized distribution, he always succeeded in settling strong and long-lasting business relationships with the partners and customers. He has achieved great results with the premium brands he had to develop, and we look forward to him applying his leadership skills and experience to further promoting Icebreaker in Europe.

Gazagnes, pictured above, called Icebreaker is a revolutionary brand with a large and increasing number of opportunities for business growth and synergy across Europe. I am excited to be joining the team and helping bring it to the next level in the French and Spanish markets, said Gazagnes.
Gazagnes comes to Icebreaker from Petzl, the manufacturer of climbing and work-at-height equipment and headlamps, where he was Sales Manager for Pro and Sport Market for nine years.