Rich Hill, former VP of sales for Patagonia has taken on the role of president of Ibex Outdoor Clothing, a Vermont based merino wool brand. Hill will remain in Ventura and will be opening “Ibex West,” a new office for the brand which will share a building with Revolution Living, a company created by Steve Case to build businesses that inspire people to live more balanced and meaningful lives. Revolution Living recently hired former Patagonia CEO Michael Crooke as CEO.

Since leaving Patagonia nearly a year ago, Hill has been working on various projects within the industry, both domestically in internationally. Hill said that he has been looking at several different positions in the industry and had the opportunity to work with a lot of great people, but in the end he wanted something more entrepreneurial and independent.

As for future plans for the brand, Hill is not giving out much information. “I think it’s a mistake to get in there and change everything, I’m going to live it for a while and we’ll see,” he said. “This is one of the few companies where you can just throw the doors open and say “here it is, talk to anybody,” because they are all great people. This is a real outdoor company.”