I/O Bio Merino has closed their US/Global Office in Boise, Idaho. Michell Wool, parent company to I/O Bio Merino, will run the brand from their corporate headquarters in Adelaide, Australia under a new business model. This includes all aspects of the brand previously overseen by the U.S. management team in Boise.
The U.S/-based management team for I/O Bio Merino has chosen to not move forward with the brand, and have resigned, effective immediately. The exiting team includes Greg McRoberts, president, and Tim Kelley, VP of sales & marketing, the customer service team and accounting.
The I/O Bio Merino Canadian distributor, ROI Recreation, will be filling all FW11 preseason orders. All remaining SS11 orders will be filled from Verde Fulfillment USA in Boise, Idaho. ROI Recreation will also be taking on all North American brand responsibilities, including warranties, returns, etc., effective immediately. Contact information is as follows:
Jackie Swanson – General Manager, Jackie@roirecreation.com
Rob McCurdy – Sales Manager, Rob@roirecreation.com
Alison Taylor – customer service, warranty/returns, etc., Alison@roirecreation.com