In 2011, Europe accounted for 60.1 percent of the company’s. Sales to customers in North America accounted for 25.2 percent and sales to Asia, mostly Japan, accounted for 10.0 percent of sales while Other Markets, including Latin America, Africa and Australia, accounted for the remaining 4.7 percent.
Head also updated its esttimates of the wholesale market for its products. It now estimates there are approximately 50 million skiers and 8 million snowboarders active worldwide and that the market for winter sports equipment in 2011 was approximately €900 million at the wholesale level.
Head’s estimate of the market for tennis racquets in 2011 was approximately 8.4 million units at a wholesale value of approximately €300 million. The company estimates the market declined in 2011 compared to 2010 of 5 percent and 6 percent in units and value, respectively mostly driven by declining markets in the United States and Japan. Sales of tennis balls were approximately 23.1 million dozens at a wholesale value of approximately €195 million. While the unit volume remained unchanged since 2010, the value of all products sold was slightly higher in 2011.
In the Diving market, Head estimates the worldwide wholesale market in 2011 was approximately €400 million. The company believes that the diving market was declining in 2011 in EMEA (Europe, the Middle East and Africa), flat in Asia and growing by around 5 percent in the United States.