Grendha Shoes Corporation of Orlando, Florida, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Grendene, has changed its name to Grendene USA Inc.
The name change commences immediately.
“By changing our name to Grendene USA Inc., we are advancing Grendene's global strategy of aligning its branding strategy consistently around the world,” explains the company's vice president, Angelo Daros. “But while our name is changing, our longstanding commitment to our customers, clients, sales reps, employees, and vendors remains steadfast.”
Grendene is a publicly traded company listed on the São Paulo stock exchange's Bovespa Index. With a workforce of over 25,000 employees worldwide, the company is one of the largest manufacturers of synthetic footwear in the world, producing 176 million pairs of shoes at its six industrial units. Some of is brands include Rider, Melissa, Grendha, Ipanema, and Cartago.