Goody's Family Clothing, Inc. reported total sales for fiscal periods ended January 31, 2004 (fiscal 2003) compared with fiscal periods ended February 1, 2003 as follows:

                        Total Sales              Percent Change
                   --------------------     ------------------------
    Fiscal Period:   2003        2002       Total Sales  Store Sales
    January          $60.7       $57.8         5.0%        -1.6%
    Fourth Quarter  $369.2      $357.5         3.3%         0.4%
    Year          $1,227.0    $1,193.4         2.8%         1.6%

“The Company had positive comparable store sales going into the fourth and
final week of January,” commented Robert M. Goodfriend, Chairman and Chief
Executive Officer. “However, snow and ice storms during the first three days
of the final week in some of our markets had a significantly negative impact
on our results for the month. Once the bad weather passed, our stores posted
positive comparable store sales for the last two days of the month. Even
though comparable store sales were negative for the month, we achieved a
comparable store sales increase for the fourth quarter and for fiscal 2003 as
a whole. Inventory levels on a per square foot basis at the end of the fiscal
year are estimated to be approximately 8% higher than those at the end of
fiscal 2002.”