According to a new survey carried out by U.K. outdoor clothing and equipment retailer GO Outdoors, 37 percent of U.K. respondents said they had been camping within the last
month, but a whopping 80 percent said they had camped in the last year.
Nearly half – 48 percent – were camping veterans of more than 20 years,
but 20 percent of those questioned had only started camping within the
last five years.
GO Outdoors questioned a total of 2,831 campers in the U.K. about their camping habits and preferences, and the findings suggested not only that the pastime remained widely popular among a wide range of age groups but that it was continuing to attract plenty of new recruits. The poll also sought to explore just what it was that inspired so many people to take up camping.
“What's particularly encouraging about this survey is not just that there are so many veterans who are still active campers after all these years, but that so many newcomers are getting involved,” said Sinead Miller, Digital Marketing Manager at GO Outdoors. “This really bodes well for the future of camping in the UK and suggests that events such as music festivals are helping to boost its popularity among young people.”
More than two-thirds of those surveyed were aged between 30 and 49, with 45 percent of those aged under 19 saying that they camped more than five times a year. The Lake District, Cornwall and the Scottish Highlands were found to be the top three UK camping destinations, while France was overwhelmingly the most popular overseas camping hotspot.
Asked to list the top five reasons why they chose to go camping, 61 percent of respondents said they wanted to escape the hustle and bustle of urban life while 56 percent cited affordability as a factor and 53 percent said camping provided a good opportunity to enjoy quality family time.
The full findings of the GO Outdoors camping survey can be viewed here.