SGB managed to catch Kyle Dietz – the Under Armour athlete most famous for giving up a career as a Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) cage fighter to pursue the equally harrowing sport of ultra trail running – sitting down at this month’s Outdoor Retailer Summer Market in Salt Lake City. We asked him five simple questions.
1. Which hurts more, fighting in the cage or running mountain ultras? “Definitely mountain running for sure. Everything hurts at the end of a race. In a fight there’s usually someone to stop it when things get bad.”
2. You’re running through the woods and come upon a Sasquatch. Do you fight or run? “I’d probably try to be friends with it, but sometimes things don’t work out the way you want, and I’m sure I would run off screaming.”
3. What shoes do you wear when you’re not running? “A pair of Under Armour SpeedForm Gemini running shoes that are way comfy.”
4. Message to all those kids out there who want to be you? “Stay in school and listen to your parents! Always believe in yourself and follow your heart.”
5. What’s your favorite cheat meal? “Pizza always and forever!”