Fin Rage Tackle, LLC, based in Green Bay, WI, acquired Al’s Goldfish Lure Company, owned and operated by Jeff and Mandy DeBuigne since 2018.

“Selling Al’s is bittersweet for us because we love Al’s products and the company’s history of American manufacturing. We will always be Al’s true believers, along with many other anglers who cherish their goldfish,” said Mandy. “We know Paul Check, owner of Fin Rage Tackle, will do great things with his vision and goals for growing and expanding the brand. We will always support Al’s and are very excited for Paul and the company’s future.”

Fin Rage Tackle, LLC said it would build on the history of Al’s Goldfish Lure Company by expanding the product’s reach into the Midwest. Paul Check said, “We are excited to acquire such an iconic fishing lure brand with a long history of catching fish all over the world. We will continue to build upon the momentum that Jeff and Mandy have built in the Northeast by bringing more options and colors for the variety of fish in the Midwest as well as saltwater baits.”

The company did not disclose the deal’s financial terms. The business will be relocated to Wisconsin later this summer.