Champion action shooters Sharyn Cohen, Julie Golob and Kippi Leatham have launched the Women of USPSA (United States Practical Shooting Association), an online resource for women in practical shooting.
Women of USPSA’s mission is to encourage and inspire women everywhere to participate in the shooting sports by celebrating the women who compete in USPSA competitions. The main site debut features biographies of many of the women competing at this year’s USPSA Handgun National Championships in Las Vegas, NV. Live streaming video of the women’s race for the national title can be viewed directly through the “Watch LIVE” link on
“USPSA has been an online leader within the action shooting sports through their recognition of the female segment at’s Ladies Zone. To supplement their efforts to recruit more women into the sport, Kippi Leatham and I developed the concept of some time ago. Wanting to breathe life into the idea before this year’s Handgun Nationals, we then recruited Sharyn Cohen for her technical talents to develop a web presence. Our goal is to celebrate the women who compete in the sport and showcase their shooting accomplishments at every level,” said Women of USPSA co-founder, Julie Golob.
Kippi Leatham added, “I was excited at the opportunity to promote the women who work very hard, both on and off the range. Most of us have full-time jobs, families, children and other hobbies that we enjoy. I hope that by uniting as a group, sharing our personal thoughts and stories, we can excite women, gun-owners and otherwise, to get out and shoot! As a pure voluntary effort, the response has been overwhelming in such a short time. I can’t wait to expand upon our celebration of the Women of USPSA, and I hope that our sister-shooters will catch the fever and want to pitch in.”
Through unique live coverage of the USPSA Handgun Nationals, Women of USPSA will feature the top women in the sport. Real time interviews and updates on Twitter and Facebook will provide fans the opportunity to follow their favorite female shooters. Women of USPSA’s future plans include growing the online presence by highlighting past and present lady champions within the sport.