SGB Executive

EXEC: Hydro Flask Grows as Osprey Shrinks in Fiscal Q2 Period

Hydro Flask successfully launched into Costco, a key retailer for an expanded target consumer. The brand also reportedly benefited from strong distribution internationally with sales up in all key markets. Hydro Flask reportedly successfully launched its photography accessories line.

EXEC: Is The Vista Outdoor Bidding War Finally Over?

Vista’s Outdoor’s moves over the weekend to find a buyer for the Revelyst outdoor business and receive yet another higher offer for its Kinetic Group ammunition and firearms business should be enough to secure shareholder approval and avoid another hostile bid, according to several analysts following the stock.

EXEC: Footwear Retailers Score Winning Fiscal Q2; BTS Had Solid Start

SGB Media wraps up the fiscal second quarter for footwear sales, as retailers generally delivered a healthy performance across the specialty, family footwear, and sporting goods space—with many helped by strength in athletic brands and a good start to back-to-school selling.