EORA (Eastern Outdoor Reps Association) is soliciting applications for its Outdoor Opportunity Grant Program for 2014.
Non-profits with youth oriented outdoor programs that may need some financial assistance for the programs that they provide and for the youth they serve are eligible to apply. Each region (Mid-Atlantic, New England and the Southeast) will have access to grant funding of up to $1,500.00 with a maximum of $500.00 per grant. Each applicant must be a charitable non-profit organization with IRS 501(c)(3) status. Past recipients are not eligible for repeat funding, this is a onetime offer.
This program began in a small way to reflect the philosophy of its membership by encouraging the engagement of our youth with the great outdoors through educational activities.
The Outdoor Opportunity Grant Program was launched in 2013 in an effort to support local communities in each of the three (3) eastern regions EORA currently serves.
The Outdoor Opportunity Grant Program was launched in 2013 in an effort to support local communities in each of the three (3) eastern regions EORA currently serves. 2013 recipients were:
- Mid-Atlantic Region: Mohonk Preserve www.mohonkpreserve.org
Saranac Lake Rotary Foundation- Dewey Mountain Friends www.saranaclakerotary.org
- New England Region: Kismet Rock www.kismetrockfoundation.org
Belay Inc www.on-belay.org
- Southeast Region: Asheville Youth Cycling www.ashevilleyouthcycling.com and EarthShare out of North Carolina/ Campout Carolina www.campoutcarolina.org
To apply for the 2014 Grant, please visit the bottom of our home page on the website www.EORA.org or contact the EORA offices at 828-252-7956. The 2014 application deadline is October 1, 2013. All accepted applications will be notified by December 31, 2013.