Edelrid, the German-based climbing, safety and outdoor gear manufacturer, will launch its own North American subsidiary starting in November, 2015.
Edelrid North America will oversee sales, marketing and distribution for the Edelrid brand in the U.S. and Canada. The company will be headquartered in a new facility in the Bend, OR, area– a location that will keep the company close to its roots in climbing. The business will have sports, safety and adventure park business divisions.
“Based on our growth trajectory over the last few years and increasing brand awareness in the North American market, moving forward with our own subsidiary is the logical next step for us,” said Carsten von Birckhahn, brand manager, Edelrid GmbH & Co.KG, the parent company to Edelrid North America. “Thanks to a strong partnership with Scarpa North America over the last three years, we’ve seen strengthening awareness of Edelrid and its level of innovation in the North American marketplace, and this move will help us continue to build on those gains.”
Based in Germany, where more than 60 percent of its production takes place, Edelrid builds ropes, carabiners, climbing harnesses, helmets and a variety of other climbing, recreation, safety and industrial gear. It also leads the way in developing equipment with sustainability at the forefront, including the first bluesign-certified rope and harness.
For the last three years, Edelrid has partnered with Scarpa North America, which has overseen sales, distribution and marketing for Edelrid from its Boulder, CO, headquarters and warehouse. Scarpa North America will continue to manage those functions for Edelrid through the end of October, when Edelrid’s new facility in Oregon will come online.
For more information, contact Anne Leidenfrost at a.leidenfrost@edelrid.de.
Founded in 1863, Edelrid is one of the leading worldwide manufacturers and distributors of ropes, climbing equipment and personal protective equipment (PPE). It is known for its level of innovation and for its sustainable efforts. Edelrid developed the first Kernmantel rope, as well as the first bluesign-certified rope and harness. All product development takes place at the company’s headquarters in Isny, in southern Germany, where 60 percent of its products (including all ropes) are produced. This assures the quality and functionality that Edelrid customers worldwide have come to expect, and enables constant product innovation.