Eastbay has launched an online Bat Selector platform. The Bat Selector allows users to select their league and age group then provides users with a wide selection of league-approved and age-appropriate bats.

The Selector even accounts for California high school regulations that differ from the rest of the country, and provides rulebooks for all youth baseball leagues (excepting the American Legion Baseball league).

The Bat Selector chooses league-approved bats for the following youth baseball leagues:

    * Babe Ruth Baseball
    * Cal Ripken Baseball
    * Little League Baseball
    * High School Baseball
    * American Legion Baseball
    * College Baseball
    * ISF Softball
    * SSUSA Softball
    * USSSA Softball
    * NSA Softball
    * ISA Softball
    * ASA Softball
    * ASA Fastpitch
    * High School Fastpitch
    * College Fastpitch

Approval lists for high school and youth baseball and softball bats have been changing rapidly. Both National Federation of State High Schools Associations (NFHS) and Little League organizations placed a moratorium on composite-barrel baseball bats due to a change in performance levels throughout the life of the bat. Little League – which governs competitive play for youth from Tee Ball for five-year-olds to Big Leagues for 16-18 year olds – was joined by Babe Ruth and Cal Ripken leagues in this moratorium.

In light of these changing approval lists, Eastbay now also offers a Bat Buy Guarantee. If a customer purchases a bat from Eastbay and the bat loses league approval within three months of purchase, the customer will receive an Eastbay GiftCard for the purchase price of the bat.

Eastbay is a division of Foot Locker, Inc.