Deuter USA named trilinqual Timy Fairfield as its newest member of its ambassador team, which it launched this month to promote the brand and provide grassroots outreach.


“We have been working with a number of individuals over the past few years, but are now formalizing agreements, getting top caliber people and investing our energy into working with great people who want to work with us and believe in our product and brand,” says Christian Mason, Director of Sales and Marketing for Deuter USA. “Working with Timy – a real climbing icon – speaks volumes about our reputation and versatility of our product line.”

“The packs in the Deuterproduct line are ultra-light and appeal to very modern aesthetic style. Deuter products follow a sleek, well-conceptualized technically sound performance oriented European design philosophy. The performance of our backpack impacts our performance at the rock –especially when slogging heavy loads for route development. An unbearably uncomfortable load causes fatigue and muscle soreness, which can lead to a less than pleasant day of climbing. I am very proud to be endorsing Deuter as a brand that produces high quality products that I personally enjoy using and genuinely want to promote through my special events.” 

As a professional rock climber, Timy Fairfield’s career has been focused on competition, sport climbing, bouldering and a commitment to proliferating rock climbing and acting as a positive spokesperson for the sport. As a member of the US National climbing team for over a decade he participated in domestic and International level events. He lived and trained with foreign coaches in France for 5 years during his pursuit of international competition.  

Fairfield is one of only a handful of North American men to hold international titles in the historically European-dominated sport of competition climbing. He is distinguished as being the only North America competitor – and one of only a few worldwide – to have won international level climbing competitions in all three disciplines of the sport: Speed Climbing, Bouldering and Difficulty.


Protége Sports provides online commercially distributed climbing instructional video clips featuring Timy Fairfield. Power Athletes, LLC serves as the exclusive distributor of functional training & gymnastic strength training product support DVD’s featuring Timy Fairfield. In 2009 Timy was featured in an artistic film entitled Do What You Like, produced by Rogue State Films, which won the Reel Rock short film contest inspirational category. The film was subsequently screened at showings of the 2009 Reel Rock Film Tour.

Fairfield currently offers special events at select commercial climbing facilities including: multi-media shows, climbing demonstrations, gymnastic bouldering fall technique clinics, coaching consulting, youth performance training camps, climbing fitness clinics, and route setting workshops. He is president/cofounder of Futurist Climbing Consultants – providers of commercial climbing facility business consulting and facility design. He speaks Spanish and French. Visit: