Gander Mountain Co. announced that a panel of the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit unanimously upheld a judgment granting Gander Mountain a sweeping victory in its long-standing dispute with rival Cabela’s over the right to use certain Gander Mountain trademarks in direct marketing.

In a statement, Gander Mountain said the original judgment issued in July 2007 by the United States District Court for the District of Minnesota granted Gander Mountain’s motion for summary judgment while denying Cabela’s motion for summary judgment and dismissing Cabela’s counterclaims with prejudice and on the merits.

Quoting from the District Judge’s original opinion, “Gander Mountain is free to use its trademarks in all respects including direct marketing to consumers.”

Mark Baker, CEO of Gander Mountain, said, “We are pleased with this decision and eager to finally set this matter behind us so we can continue implementing our plans to grow our direct business sales through catalogs and the Internet.”